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My Christmas Geek Box is here!

Yay my geek box arrived. This month I got:
•Jack Skellington día de muertos Sugar Skull tee
•Santa Darth Vader Plush Toy
•Death star juggling balls
•Stormtrooper bauble (with a cookie inside!)
•Optimus Prime Transformers stress ball (this will come in handy at work!)
•Pac-Man bottle opener
•Mini selection box (yummy!)

The box is so awesome this month and the Santa Darth Vader is just adorable! Plus woohoo a selection box! Christmas isn’t christmas without one of those! Haha my boyfriend has already told me he wants the Star Wars stuff! Cheeky bugger!

I hope everybody has a lovely Christmas and that all your wishes come true. I hope you’ve all been good for Santa!


Pop on over to My Geek Box to discover them for yourself!