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Currently Reading: If I Stay by Gayle Forman

A perfect Saturday spent enjoying a cuppa whilst reading a good book!

I know, I know, I’m real slow on the book wagon when it comes to reading If I Stay. BUT I finally am and can honestly say I’m loving it so far. Before picking up If I Stay, I was already a fan of Gayle Forman. I love her writing style. It makes reading her books a breeze and, before you know it, you’ve gotten to the end and find yourself wondering how the heck you got there so quick! This book is turning out to be no different which I’m thrilled about.
I’ve yet to see the movie adaptation so have no idea how it compares to the book. Have any of you guys read the book or seen the movie? What did you think?
I hope you’re all having a lovely Saturday; whatever you may be getting up to.
Take care,